Tenure track assistant professorship in rhetoric

The Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for a tenure track assistant professorship in rhetoric starting on August 1, 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The candidate for this job is expected to have a solid, international research profile in rhetoric; to have teaching experience in rhetoric (theoretical, critical, and practical); and to be interested in contributing to a sound, vibrant, and healthy teaching and research environment as well as having visions and zeal for curricular design and programme development.

Special preference will be given to applicants whose research interests address pressing societal challenges such as climate and sustainability, the role of expert and other forms of knowledge in public life, digitality, social justice, war and conflict, or political and societal fragmentation.

Applicants with expertise in crisis communication or other forms of rhetoric in professional and organizational contexts will also be of significant interest for the position.

A transdisciplinary research profile and experience with a range of research methods and with digital pedagogy and case-based teaching will be considered an advantage, as will experience with teaching practical oral and written rhetoric.

The deadline for applications is 23:59 CET on January 29, 2024

Read the entire call here.


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