PhD scholarships at the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen

Jens Fink-Jensen

Photo: Jens Fink-Jensen

The Department of Communication at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for four three-year PhD scholarships starting on 1 September 2025.

The department is advertising three PhD scholarships as well as one Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Please note that a Danish Master’s degree is required to apply for the Carlsberg PhD Fellowship.

The PhD scholarships/Carlsberg Fellowship can be applied for within all the department’s research areas: Education; Film Studies and Creative Media Industries; Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums; Information Science and Technologies; Information, Technology and Connections; Media Studies; Philosophy; Rhetoric; Subjectivity Research; and Tracking and Society.

We are interested in innovative PhD project proposals that reinforce the department’s strong international research profile. The department is organized into eight sections and two centers. We expect applicants to account for how the proposed research project contributes to the department’s existing research and indicate which section or center is best suited to host the project. Information about the sections and centers is available here:

For general information about the Department of Communication, please visit:

It is possible to apply for both the Carlsberg PhD Fellowship and the department’s scholarships with the same project description, provided you meet the criteria. When you submit your application, you will be asked to choose which scholarships you are applying for.


More info:


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