Oslo: Hess & Kjeldsen, “Ethos: State of the Field”

Associate professor Aaron Hess and professor Jens Kjeldsen will give a seminar to the Text & Rhetoric Research Seminar, on a theme of great importance to rhetorical studies as well as to life in general: ethos.

Aaron Hess is associate professor of rhetoric and communication at Arizona State University, USA. He has done research on digital rhetoric and clicktivism, participation and rhetorical field methods. He is currently a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Bergen, where he does research on ethos and credibility.

Jens Kjeldsen is professor at the Department of information science and media studies at the University of Bergen. He has worked on many different themes within rhetorical tsudis, including radio and TV debates, visual rhetoric, political rhetorical, speeches and speech writing, digital presentation technolgogies, as well as rhetorical theory and method. Currently, his research revolves around ethos and credibility.

Hess and Kjeldsen are both involved in INCET: International Network for the Study of Credibility, Ethos and Trust.

The event is finished.


Feb 20 2023


13:15 - 15:00

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